Monday, July 23, 2018

Battery Saver Apps Good or Bad? Battery Optimization Android

Hello friends today i am going to talking about very interesting topic related to your android phone. Is installing a battery saver App is good for your Smartphone or not so be with me in this article and i will clear all your doubts related to this topic.

When a user purchase a new phone he install lots of app from the play store such as Whatsapp, facebook, instagram and twitter etc. These are the all basic apps which we need in our daily life but App such as battery saver is also available on play store it will create a doubt in our mind that it really work or not.

How These Types Of Battery Saver Apps Work

When we install these types of app they needed some permission from you such as to open or close Wifi, hotspot, bluetooth and finally how they really work they close wifi, hotspot, Gps if you are not using it or save your power all these work 
you can do this by yourself in my opinion you don't need an app to manage all these things and the second thing these 
battery saver app does Is that when we open any app such as whatsapp their have many other awake apps which use your cpu
power these battery saver app close it but these awake apps open again and again battery saver app close it so in this 

open and close process you may lose your more battery power.

So in my honest opinion it was not good installing a battery saver app in your Smartphone.

Most Harmful Battery Saver Apps

You may noticed that sometime when we are using browser or playing game we got an pop up MSG such as your phone
was in problem need a battery saver app install it now. so installing these types of app from any other platform rather then play store
may carry virus in your phone or damage your smartphone.

So I am strongly recommended you to does not install these types of apps in your phone if you really want to save your battery
then you can use power saver mode.
july 8

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